January 14, 2009

A Warm Thanks To All My Friends

I'm a self proclaimed "technology enthusiast" that has never taken the time to get involved with the more social aspects of the Internet. I've always assumed that things like Blogs, Twitter, My Space, Facebook, Flikr or anything of the sort was meant for people who have much more spare time than I do. Perhaps its has something to do with me sitting in front of a handful of computer monitors at the same time for 10-12 hours a day? I used to enjoy a game or two but but it seems my spare time on the computer (which is usually in the evening after kids go to bed) is usually consumed by leftovers of unfinished tasks from earlier in the day. In my line of work there is always research to do on the latest technology, a complex problem to solve, or a slide deck presentation to prepare.

Recently that has all started to change.
A month or so ago I decided to give Facebook a try, and so I created a profile and sent an invite to a colleague from work. He accepted and I thought that would be the end of Facebook. Much to my surprise a few days later various invitations from family and friends started showing up in my inbox, and still every day there's a new invite from either a family member or an old friend.

Along with the invitations have also come links to individual blogs, photo galleries, and the various web sites that tell the stories of the lives of so many of you whom I've lost contact with over the years. I generally don't consider myself to be of the sentimental type, but I've found myself drawn in and consumed with learning about the lives of so many of those individuals I've come to realize I dearly miss. As I read through the many stories and travelogues a long forgotten memory is often triggered and for a brief moment relived. Often I'm left with a smile on my face and warming of my soul.

Many of you have made impacts of various sorts on my life, and many of you will never know of positive influences you've had on me. As I've come to be reacquainted with so many of you I've come to realize how truly blessed I've been to know so many good people.

I'm not sure if any of you will even read any of this, but nevertheless I say thanks. Thanks for the warm memories you've helped create. I can honestly say I wouldn't be the same person without you. So I pledge to do better. I pledge to be a better friend and reach out to many more of you. I pledge to re-acquaint with you and your families, as I hope I can inspire and lift as you've done for me. Thank you for being who you are.


  1. You should have told me you have this blog. I would have checked into it a lot sooner. I loved this post. I too have enjoyed becoming closer through the internet with people I have known and loved.

  2. Thanks Jaron! This blog sums up exactly how I have been feeling! I will probably blog 2 or 3 times and then all will go away like everything else that I do. Good luck!

  3. Amen brother! And right back at ya!
